My Cottage Garden on Summer Break!

August 3, 2012

How DO people who garden find time to blog about it in the summer? I really struggled last year to keep up with posting and keep up with the reading of my blogrolls, but this summer I have found it too difficult. I confess it's mostly the reading of my friend's blogs that takes the most time, but I don't feel it's right to just 'post and sign-off'. Plus I WANT to be able to have the time to read and comment.

I've decided that the best thing for me to do, is keep taking pictures and notes, while I weed, dead-head, plan and scheme for improving the garden - then blog about it all during the cold, winter months here in Zone 4, while my garden is under three feet of snow!

So I will be back about, oh, let's be optomistic and say the winter will start in mid-November sometime. Until then, happy gardening!

'Stargazer' lilies with 'Annabelle' hydrangea


  1. Hi Diane
    You find a balance and in my case, have a small group that you interact with, otherwise you could be blogging/commenting for hours.
    I think there's some aspect of obligation involved too, you've connected with other bloggers and you want to continue the relationship.
    The August Break I 'm taking part in is a new experience, - posting photos without the expectation of comments.
    Do your own thing, at your own speed.

    1. Hi Judith, I wondered when I say your post title if 'August Break' meant something like that.

      That is a fantastic idea! Thanks for your support.


  2. Hi Diane, Gardening does take a great deal of time, however, for me, this is gravy time in terms of beautiful things to show in my blog posts. It is winter time when I wonder what to write about. To each his own, Diane. Do what makes sense for you. Blogging is supposed to be enjoyable and if one wants to do it less often, that is not a problem. Have a good wknd and enjoy your garden. Love the stargazer too - it's one of my favorite flowers. Smells so good!

  3. Glad I'm not the only one who has trouble sitting still long enough to put a blog post together!!!

  4. Beautiful picture and it's nice to see you back Diane. I've had the same problem and decided I was just going to do a once a month post instead of weekly. Good time to do this since my garden is burnt up anyway. I take pictures in between when I can manage for the next post. Enjoy your time instead of worrying about posting. Those of us that care will visit.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. Hi Diane,
    I don't do a good job of keeping up with anything I do in life. I keep thinking I should cut back on blogging, and actually don't post as often as I used to. My problem right now, is that I'm spending too much time on Facebook. As a paraeducator, though, I have most summers off. I worked summer school this year, so I didn't get as much housework done as I had hoped to. Also, it has been so hot, I haven't been able to be out as often as I need to be. I have some lemon balm going to seed, and need to get that out soon. Thanks for stopping by, and have fun out there!

  6. I love your garden pics and love seeing some summer while we are in winter. I'm with the others, do what you can and feel happy with. I wish the sun would sine in my garden again, but I know it is holding a lot of promise for spring

  7. Hi Daine, For me one of the biggest challenges is blogging on a regular schedule. I am wildly inconsistent. We will look forward to your posts in the winter months. Until then, enjoy the rest of the gardening season.

  8. Sounds like a great plan, Diane. When we're all desperate for a garden fix in the winter, we'll have you to provide it :-) -Jean

  9. Three feet of snow? Yikes? Maybe the heat in Atlanta isn't so bad compared to that kind of winter. Just call me a sissy!

  10. Hey Diane! Thanks so much for stopping by! I totally failed at blogging this summer, we were away quite a bit, but I think the bigger issue for me is that my garden is in the growing/maturing phase, which is different from the last few years when I was constantly adding plants & expanding beds...I hope you are doing well!

  11. Diane, Just dropping in to see how my blogging pals are. I know I'm guilty of neglecting my blog, getting kids moved across the country, getting hubby back to work, getting used to a life without kids, has turned my focus away from the blog.
    Hope this finds you well, and NOT covered in snow!


Comments are always welcome!

If you have a question, I'll respond on your own blog, if you leave me the link! I'll also answer questions here (in case anyone else is interested).

I had to start 'moderating' the comments because I was getting so much spam, so if you notice your comment doesn't show up right away, that is why.

Happy Gardening!