May 15, 2011
I've been seeing 'Garden Blogger's Bloom Day' posts on some of the blogs I've been following and decided to join in the fun. The idea is to make a post about the things that are blooming in your garden, on the 15th of every month. Check it out at
May Dreams Gardens.
I don't have a lot blooming right now (we're getting a late start in Zone 4).
I'm delighted to introduce, appearing for the first time in my garden, these darling little miniature 'Tete a Tete' daffodils. I planted them last fall.
These pretty little dwarf irises are new to my garden as well. In fact, I only transplanted them last week. They were found in a vacant lot, next-door to some friends of ours. They had once been a part of a garden, but the house on the property has long been torn down. All that is left is some perennials that have gone kind of wild and part of the old driveway.
I'm very sure the gardener who planted these would be very happy that we have transplated them to a new home, where they will be loved and cared for. (I'd love to know the species of this, if anyone can tell me.)
Iris |
An interesting story about this Rock Cress is that I bought it from a home garden sale that a lady in my community had last spring. They had finished blooming for the year, by the time I bought them, and the lady had put tags on them calling them Edelweiss. My friend, Rita, who I talk about a lot of my blog, grew up in Germany and said they were 'definitely not' Edelweiss.
When they started to bloom a couple of days ago, I went to my trusty perennial book didn't see anything that looked like them. I posted the photos on my flickr web page, and a couple of my contacts there identified it as Arabis Rock Cress. I've looked up lots of information since, about Rock Cress, and this is definitely it.
As a co-incidence, the lady I got them from at her annual perennial sale yesterday morning, when the name of the plant was still a mystery to me. I tried to subtly tell her that they didn't look like the Edelweiss in my plant books and she said that she didn't really know the name of them, just thought Edelweiss was 'the closest thing to them'.
Arabis Rock Cress |
The Pasque Flower just came out this morning. It's one of my favourites.
Pulsatilla Pasque Flower |
And I'm really not sure how this one got in here....